If you owe a significant (or even lower amount) of back taxes to the IRS, then they are legally able to do many things in order to get that money back. They can do small things like slap on penalties and interest charges, or even larger things like garnish your wages directly from your employer, put levies on your bank accounts, or put liens on your home and property. If you have been the victim of any of these things, we can help you immediately. Give us a call today at (305) 767-2201 to learn what your rights are.
Finding the right tax attorney is a tough task, but absolutely necessary if you want to actually see results. The wrong choice can leave you owing 10’s of $1,000’s to the IRS, and struggling financially for years. But the right choice can actually save you 10’s of $1,000’s over the long run, and give you the life of freedom and choice that you have always wanted.
We are sure that we can provide you the top level of service possible, and the BBB has agreed with that by giving us an A+ rating.
If you live in or around the great state of Florida, we can help you out today. Whether you live in any of the larger cities like buy internet cialis Miami, online pharmacy cialis brand Orlando, Jacksonville, fedex viagra no prescription Tallahassee, Tampa, Palm Beach or Fort Myers, or the smaller cities and towns throughout florida, we can help you. Give us a call today at (305) 767-2201 to see what we can do for you!
15 Minutes - We will go through your entire financial situation, step-by-step and see what programs you qualify for, determine how we can help, and answer any questions that you may have.
4-7 Days - Using the Power of Attorney, we will work with the IRS to determine what evidence they have against you (without disclosing anything), so we can create a plan of attack.
1-3 Months - After learning exactly what they have against you, we will negotiate with the IRS on your behalf, removing all the penalties we can, and fighting for a great settlement for you.
Forever - Once your tax burdens have been lifted, you can go on living your life again! You will finally be free of the burdens chasing you, and can start fresh with no tax debt!
If you are tired of being bullied by the IRS and their officers, it’s time to take action now!
Our highly experienced agents are standing by, and ready to answer any questions that you have regarding your tax debt, IRS programs, and more.
We will go to battle with the IRS for you, and negotiate a favorable settlement that will not only allow you to pay back the amount owed over time, but also pay significantly less than you normally would have to. If you would like to learn more about this, please use these contact buttons to either call or email us.
We look forward to helping you!